Sunday, May 8, 2011

Stop all the clocks...

Just another superfine day on the Hill.
On April 20, 2011, we lost a dear friend, brother, and beautifully bent bon vivant, Christopher Evan Cavanaugh, following a two-year struggle with acute lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma. Over his last several days, both at Virginia Mason hospital and the hospice Bailey-Boushay House in Seattle, he was surrounded and supported around the clock by family and an endless stream of friends, and he departed receiving more love and showing more grace than I even knew was possible.

Since Chris's passing much love, grief, and community has been shared on Facebook, and through texts, emails, and blog postings by those who were lucky enough to know him. This space doesn't intend to (and couldn't) replace any of that, but I'd like it to be a freely available site on the Web to announce Chris events (memorials, honorific funds, etc.), and also hopefully allow people to comment, remember, vent, find humor--you know he would--and celebrate the entire Chris canon.

More details about memorials-slash-debaucheries will be coming soon. Please pass along the URL (, sign up to follow this blog, and/or check back often. (And if you'd like to see a particular topic to comment on or talk about, just let me know.) Love and sincere thanks to everyone.

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